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Although it may seem obvious that we need sleep, many people overlook the real benefit it has on our wellbeing and our ability to achieve our best on a daily basis. Here are just some of the ways sleep 
  • Sleep can improve your memory 

While sleeping the brain is working more than you think and strengthening memories and learning practices which took place in the day.  

  • Sleep can curb inflammation  

Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and arthritis. A study in 2010 showed that the C-Protein which is associated with heart attack risk was higher in people who got 6 or fewer hours sleep a night. 

  • Sleep improves attentiveness 

Lack of sleep will effect how attentive you are and your short-term memory may be impaired. It also effects your selective attention which is the brains ability to focus on one thing, which is why your may find yourself getting distracted. Sleep could improve all this.  

  • Sleep improves athletic performance  

For the athletes among us sleep is a way to improve performance. A study at Stanford University found that a college football player who tried to get at least 10 hours sleep a night for 7-8 weeks improved their average sprint time, suffered less fatigue during the day and had more stamina.  

  • Sleep can ease your pain 

If you have suffered an injury like a sprained ankle, sleeping can aid recovery. Many studies have shown the link between sleep loss and having a lower pain threshold.  

  • Sleep reduces stress  

Stress is one of the main factors that effects our every day life, and just like sleep, can effect our cardiovascular health. Good sleep can reduce stress levels and in turn reduce blood pressure levels.  

  • Sleep helps your immune system 

Sufficient sleep ensures your immune system is functioning at its best and protecting you from disease. Countless studies have shown that people who sleep less are more likely to die at a younger age.  

  • Sleep promotes muscle growth 

Going to the gym may provide half the work but the rebuilding of the muscles happens when you sleep. You may think you are doing all the right things and not seeing the results you want. Sleep may be the key to this.

There’s no denying sleep does a lot for you. So, make sure you optimise your sleep.

For tips on how to sleep well, have a look at what clinicians say about sleep.